CAMBRIDGE, MA—Shedding light on a promising way to provide relief from the chronic condition, a study published Monday by Harvard University found that medical marijuana was an effective treatment for long-term pain over Jerry Garcia’s death.

An Open Letter To Jeff Sessions From A Doctor Whose Patients Rely On Medical Marijuana, (Known As Medical Cannabis In Australia)

By Dr. David Bearman –

The Monkey Study That States "Cannabis Kills Brain Cells" Debunked
Slowly but surely the propaganda against cannabis is being debunked. The following short YouTube video about cannabis being tested upon monkeys is one such piece of propaganda that just seems insane!

Very little research has been done since medical cannabis became legal in Australia, patients are getting frustrated with the lack of effort on the government's part.
The pharmaceutical industry is also quite complacent with research, which it's not surprising as it competes with their products.

Here at, we like to stick to the science of cannabis and this is interesting! Who has ever heard of the root being medicinal?
Big thanks to patients 4 medical marijuana it's a great site for facts about cannabis.

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Someone has a stroke every 53 seconds. Most are ischemic, which deny blood and oxygen to brain tissue cells due to blood vessel constrictions or obstructions. Hemorrhagic strokes, which occur from leaking or burst brain blood vessels, are in the minority.